The first Joint Meeting of the Adriatic and Ionian Fora will take place in Olympia (Greece) on 19-20 October 2016.
The three Fora of " civil society " of the Adriatic and Ionian basin (the Forum of Chambers of Commerce, the Forum of Cities and Towns and the Forum of Universities – UniAdrion ) intend to strengthen their cooperation in order to contribute to the implementation of the "EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region" by developing common ideas, proposal and joint projects in the framework of the four EUSAIR priority pillars.
They will present a "Position Paper" as their tool allowing an integrated approach of the Fora for the implementation of EUSAIR Action Plan
The AII Permanent Secretariat will attend the meeting and confirm his role as " facilitator and link " between the civil society organizations and the EUSAIR governance structure.
The work of the Fora will be an added value for the EUSAIR Stakeholder Platform that shall be fully operational by the beginning of 2017.