The AII Permanent Secretariat attended the Round Table on Sustainable Tourism and Culture, which took place in Athens (Greece) on the 28th of March 2017, organized by the AII Hellenic Chairmanship in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism of Greece.
The Round Table focused on perspectives for the development of the tourism sector in the Adriatic-Ionian Sea Basin, with the sharing of best practices and projects; in particular the meeting discussed about cultural routes, cultural heritage as a generator for sustainable development, but also about analysis and assessment of the national tourism strategies of the 8 EUSAIR countries.
According to the overhaul of AII RTs, the meeting was attended by representatives of the civil society and the private sector, injecting into the meeting the necessary element of subsidiarity absent in the past. Proposals and recommendations will be directly forward to the EUSAIR Thematic Steering Group of Pillar 4 (Sustainable Tourism), which will meet on 26 April in Zagreb.