From April 24, 2017 09:00 until May 25, 2017 19:00
Categories: Generic events
Tags: Eusair

The Republic of Slovenia in collaboration with European Commission, partner countries organizes the regional conference SEE2: Scaling UP Social Economy Enterprises in South East Europe, which will be held in Ljubljana on 24th and 25th of April 2017.
The conference is a great opportunity to increase knowledge and understanding of social economy and a forum for exchanging experiences between countries of the wider region, establishing links and a common strategy for the region, but it is also designed so that specific time slot is dedicated to further discussions on possible use of social economy services for the concrete actions referring the refugee and migration crisis in EUSAIR.

This unique event deals with the following issues:

  • Promoting European values through partnerships and social economy;
  • Promoting social inclusion and jobs creation through partnerships and social economy;
  • Promoting bottom up creation of regional networks through development cooperation programmes and IPA in case of candidate countries and EU sources of financing

Furthermore,  a workshop will be specifically dedicated to drafting and upgrading the project proposal on Social Impact Migrants Investment Financing (SIMI)  which was presented and discussed during the last EUSAIR Governing Board meeting as a response to the AII Council/ EUSAIR Ministerial Dubrovnik Joint Declaration.  In that occasion, Ministers invited the Governing Board to outline concrete avenues of action for how EUSAIR can help strengthen the resilience of participating countries in coping with the refugee and migration crisis and invited the ADRION Transnational Programme to provide support to specific action(s) in order to help participating countries to address the refugees and migration crisis.

The SEE conference is a great opportunity to progress in elaborating concrete actions that can be reported to ministers, especially to the AII Council/ EUSAIR Ministerial Meeting that will be held back to back with the 2nd EUSAIR Forum (Ioannina 11-12.5.2017).

Registration is available and free and will be closed on 15th of April 2017.