The conference focused on “Blue growth in the Adriatic and Ionian Macroregion: needs and opportunities” and on “The importance of the parliamentary dimension in the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative”.
A lively and well-focused debate among the participants acknowledged that the EUSAIR and AII represent unique and useful means to foster economic integration and territorial cohesion in the Adriatic and Ionian region and stated that closer cooperation among AII Parliaments – as citizen’s representing institutions – will boost the existing excellent neighborly relations. A stronger commitment of AII Parliaments becomes therefore, in their views, increasingly necessary in the future.
The Speakers appreciated the role played by the AII Permanent Secretariat in the establishment of the “Network of High Parliamentary Officials” , positively evaluated its action of information on AII activities through the “Periodical Newsletters” and encouraged the AII PS to further facilitate the constant exchange of information and good practices among Parliaments on EUSAIR and AII activities.
In his intervention, the Secretary General, Amb. Pigliapoco, confirmed that AII Governments are convinced that National Parliaments can play a decisive role in facilitating the implementation of the EUSAIR Strategy and regard their increasing involvement as an added value to the effort to upgrade regional cooperation and to help AII and EUSAIR to become instruments able to put South Eastern Europe and the Balkans at the heart of European policy as they deserve to be.
The Final Statement of the Conference delivered at the end of the meeting which also recalls the support the EUSAIR can give to a comprehensive European response to the migration issue and the role of Blue Economy in fostering regional economic growth is enclosed.