End of the Serbian Chairmanship (June 2011-May 2012)
After a successful year of meetings and activities in all fields of interest of AII, the Serbian Presidency ended his term of duty on May 31st. On that occasion, Ambassador Duško Lopandić, Assistant Minister and AII National Coordinator, sent his colleagues the following message of greetings:
Dear Colleagues,
Yesterday was the last day of the Serbian Presidency over the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative. On that occasion I would like to thank to all of you for cooperation and support in the past period.
It was really pleasure to work on issues of our common interest in the region. I believe that a significant level of cooperation among the AII Member States was achieved . It goes without saying that we will continue to participate actively in this important regional initiative.
I would like, in particular thank Secretary General Pigliapoco and his team for their efficient and professional help and collaboration with the Presidency.
Finally, I would like to wish to our colleagues from Slovenia a successful Chairmanship in the coming one-year period.
Best regards,
Dusko Lopandic
Assistant Minister
AII National Coordinator