CSO approved RCP Ranking List in Ancona
The second Committee of Senior officials under Slovenian Chairmanship took place in Ancona on November 22nd at the seat of the Adriatic Ionian Forum of Chambers of Commerce.
Items discussed in the agenda were many and very significant. Among them, the latest update about the process of construction of the Adriatic Ionian Macro-Region. The representative of the AII Governments have been informed about the high level meeting between Commissioner Hahn and the 8 AII Ministers of Foreign Affairs. In that occasion full commitment by 8 AII Countries has been expressed, while Commissioner Hahn appreciated their effort for the common aim in reaching the common goal of getting the EU Strategy for the Adriatic Ionian Macro-Region approved by 2014.
During the meeting a Statement (see annex) was delivered by the CSO approving the ranking list of the Regional Cooperation Programme 2012 (see annex). Nine projects will be co-financed accordingly for a total disbursement by the AII Permanent Secretariat of 204.069,90€ and an overall value of the projects of more than 500.000€.
The representatives of the three Adriatic Ionian Fora of the civil society (Chambers of Commerce, Universities and Cities) also participated to the meeting informing the Senior Officials with the latest updates of their international activity also in support of the Adriatic Ionian Macro-Region.
Finally, the Rector of the "Università Politecnica delle Marche", Marco Pacetti officially announced that University of Primorska (Slovenia) and his Rector, Dragan Marusic, will take over the Presidency of UniAdrion.