The Committee of  Senior Officials of the A.I.I held in Ancona on 22 January last under the Chairmanship of Bosnìa and Herzegovina decided , inter alia , to give mandate to the Permanent Secretariat to work on a comprehensive overhaul of the "Rules of procedure of the Round Tables of the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative " .

The adoption of the EUSAIR has opened a new era of cooperation among adriatic and ionian Countries and within the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative- Senior Officials agreed – making it necessary for the A.I.I. to adapt itself to the new situation by avoiding overlapping and duplication and by becoming a solid support to the Macroregional Strategy of which it represents the " intergovernmental anchorage ".

Reorienting the work of the Round Tables towards a macroregional dimension and putting them at the service of the Thematic Steering Groups , thus transforming them into a further instrument of the Adriatic and Ionian Strategy , would not only be desirable but necessary and mutually beneficial for the EUSAIR and the A.I.I. - they concluded.

The discussion was based on a paper under the headline " A.I.I. Round Tables : proposal for an overhaul " , presented by the Permanent Secretariat .

See: annex.