ECAPITAL CULTURE Adriatic Start-up School – Call for Ideas open until 20 July
Fondazione Marche, the Chamber of Commerce of Ancona, the "Università Politecnica delle Marche", the Municipality of Ancona and ISTAO launched a Call for Ideas for the "ECAPITAL CULTURE Adriatic Start-up School" aimed at promoting the creation of start-ups in the cultural field in the Adriatic and Ionian Region.
The School is aimed at young people (under 40) coming from the Adriatic and Ionian countries motivated to put into practice their business ideas in the field of culture.
The call is open from 15th June to 20th July and candidates are invited to apply on the following web-site:
All admitted participants will be granted a scholarship covering the costs of the training course as well as room and board.
Please find more information on the enclosed document.