ADRIPLAN Final Conference held in Venice
The ADRIPLAN (a project funded by DG MARE under the theme "Maritime Spatial Planning") Final Conference was held in Venice last 10 July. The Conference was intended to present the outcome and activities of the ADRIPLAN project, which is aimed at supporting commonly-agreed cross-border Maritime Spatial Planning in the Adriatic – Ionian Region.
The AII Secretary General, Amb. Pigliapoco, took the floor in the framework of the morning session dedicated to EUSAIR, along with two Pillar Coordinators (Pillar 2 – Transports; Pillar 3 – Environment Protection).
The debate was held only few days after the end of the first round of meetings of the Thematic Steering Groups which were mainly aimed at establishing rules, methodologies and criteria for their works and activities. They also highlighted the necessity of a proper attendance by the designated members of TSGs in order to guarantee an effective implementation of the EUSAIR .