AII-PS visits the newly established Hellenic Chairmanship of the AII in Athens.
On 12 and 13 September, the AII Permanent Secretariat paid the official annual visit to the incoming AII Chairmanship in Athens.
The Secretary General met – among the others – the Alternate Foreign Minister for European Affairs Mr. Nikos Xydakis and the Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr. Dimitris Mardas.
The annual visit of the Permanent Secretariat to the Presidency was meant to meet the people in charge of the Presidency, both dealing with AII and EUSAIR, to plan the activities of the newly established Chairmanship during the year and to share ideas on how to integrate, as much as possible, the intergovernmental activities within the AII with the EUSAIR.
For the first time in May 2016, Ministers of Foreign Affairs met in a joint "Adriatic and Ionian Council / EUSAIR Ministerial Meeting" making clear that the two exercises work in parallel, one for the other and with the same objective.
The newly established Hellenic Chairmanship will take into account such crucial developments in planning its yearly activities.