On Saturday 28 October, the international Conference “Financing the EUSAIR” was held in Cesenatico (Italy). The aim of the event was to create a first occasion for cooperation among EUSAIR Governance, the private sector and International Financing Institutions (IFIs).
Among them, the European Investment Bank, the Development Bank of the Council of Europe and the Italian “Cassa Depositi e Prestiti” attended the meeting that was chaired by the Italian Undersecretary of State, Sandro Gozi.
The AII Secretary General, Amb. Castellaneta attended the meeting and addressed the audience by highlighting the role of the AII supporting the participation of Adriatic and Ionian stakeholders to the macroregional process, facilitating the establishment of new partnerships for the presentation of strategic regional projects to be presented for funding to EU Programmes or to International Financing Institutions.