The second AII Committee of Senior Officials under Slovenian Chairmanship took place online on February 11th 2021 back-to-back with the first session of the 14th EUSAIR Governing Board.
After a brief report on the activities conducted so far under Slovenian Chairmanship, AII Senior Officials discussed about the achievements of the Presidency so far and the planned activities until the end of the Presidency in May.
The Slovenian Chairmanship presented to the CSO a productive calendar of upcoming activities that foresees:
- AII Trio Chairmanship;
- AII Round Table on Equal Opportunities (March 2021);
- XVII Conference of Speakers of the Parliaments of the Adriatic Ionian Initiative (April 15, 2021, Slovenia). The discussion will focus on young generations, their current situation, primarily characterized by the Covid-19 pandemia, and future perspectives, in particular creating employment opportunities as well as enabling them with prospects for their successful life in the Adriatic Ionian region.
- Adriatic Ionian Council / EUSAIR Ministerial Meeting (11-12 May);
- Several Round Tables as side-events within the framework of the 6th EUSAIR Annual Forum.
Further topics discussed were: the next Adriatic and Ionian Council/EUSAIR Ministers of Foreign Affairs meeting, the preparation of the Izola Declaration, the Exclusive Economic Zone in the Adriatic Sea as point of information, the activities developed together with the Fora of Civil Society (Chambers of Commerce, Cities and Universities) and the implementation of the joint AII-CEI Project “Active Young Citizens for Sustainable Development in CEI and AII areas”.
The 14th Meeting of the EUSAIR Governing Board took place online on February 11th (part 1) and March 2nd (part 2).
As far as the core of the EUSAIR GB, GB acknowledged the implemented activities and outcomes of the Slovenian Chairmanship’s Programme, as well as the outline of the 6th EUSAIR Annual Forum.
Other key topics discussed during the Governing Board were: the report from Technical Meeting of Pillar Coordinators, National Coordinators and EUSAIR Facility Point, the preparation of ADRION programming 2021-2027, the embedding process state of play and 2 technical studies on “EUSAIR facilitating the accession process in the Western Balkan” and “Repositioning of the EUSAIR” .
Amb. Castellaneta - AII Secretary General – reported to the EUSAIR GB on February 11th on the outcomes of the CSO, especially informing participants about the AII-CEI Joint Project “Active Young Citizens for Sustainable Development in CEI and AII areas”.