The AII Trio Meeting took place online on March 25th 2021, organized by the AII Slovenian Chairmanship and the Permanent Secretariat.


During the working meeting, which saw the participation of representatives of past, present and future AII Chairmanships (Serbia, Slovenia, Albania) the following topics have been discussed:

  • AII Structure and Governance
  • Connection with the Eusair Strategy
  • Relations with Fora and Regional Actors
  • Youth Dossier
  • Future topics of cooperation

The aim of the Trio Meeting is to ensure a smooth transition and continuity between Chairmanships. The Trio has been an occasion to exchange ideas on the future of our regional cooperation, to coordinate our joint efforts and to introduce Albania to the working mechanisms of the Adriatic Ionian Initiative and to establish a strong connection with the Permanent Secretariat right from the beginning.

The Republic of Albania has already successfully chaired the Adriatic Ionian Initiative from June 1st 2013 to May 31st 2014.          
Albania has also been really active within the Fora of Civil Society (Chambers of Commerce, Cities and Universities) since their establishment in 2000.     
The Chamber of Commerce of Durres and the Vlora Chamber of Commerce are ordinary members of the Forum AIC, 7 Albanian universities are member of UniAdrion (the network of the Adriatic and Ionian universities) and 3 Albanian municipalities are part of the Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Cities.