AII Round Table - Chamber System in the Adriatic and Ionian Region – May 18, Tirana
The AII Round Table, organized by the Durres Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Forum AIC and the Adriatic and Ionian Initiative within the AII Albanian Presidency, will take place on May 18th, 2022, from 9.00 to 10.30 (Hotel Plaza, Tirana) and aims to learn more about the function of the different chamber systems of the Adriatic Ionian Area and understand the role they can play in the greater development of the EUSAIR.
The chamber of commerce system supports local businesses, and has been resilient in dealing with the crises of the last years and guaranteeing quality and useful services to businesses. Through an understanding of the different chamber systems, and cooperation through transnational cooperative bodies such as the Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce (Forum AIC), it is possible to tighten cooperation with governments to create greater synergy and make an even more relevant contribution to the EUSAIR strategy on the local territory.
Established in 2001 Forum AIC mission is to strength the traditional role of chambers of commerce as areas of mediation of the institutional requests of various economic stakeholders, and at the same time at grasping the new opportunities for the growth of the area specifically created by the scenario of the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion. Since its establishment the Forum has worked closely with the Association of Universities - UniAdrion, and the Forum of Cities – FAIC by enhancing communications and public-private collaboration, and facilitating knowledge-sharing and best practice exchange among the stakeholders of the AI area. The Forum AIC, together with the other 2 Fora, was among the first promoters of the official acknowledgement of the EUSAIR and is officially recognized as one of the main stakeholder for the EUSAIR development and implementation. The Forum AIC objective within the VII EUSAIR Forum is to further enhance the chamber of commerce systems role in the Eusair as promoters and key actors for supporting businesses and therefore development of our territories.
The panellists represent the different chamber systems of the countries of the Adriatic Ionian Area and will focus on the following aspects:
- the function of the Chamber system in one's own country;
- the description of some peculiar best practices that support the local business and benefit local communities;
- the role that the Chambers of Commerce can play in the development of the EUSAIR strategy in view of the forthcoming revision of the Action Plan.
Please find here the Agenda of the event.