AII Round Table on Addressing Transportation Challenges in the Adriatic-Ionian Region - Sibenik, 15 May 2024
The AII Round Table on "Addressing Transportation Challenges in the Adriatic-Ionian Region" will take place in Sibenik on 15 May 2024 (15.30-17.00) within the general framework of the 9th EUSAIR annual Forum.
Transport and connectivity are essential for economic development, as they foster better regional integration and improve relations between neighbours. The Adriatic-Ionian region faces critical transportation challenges, necessitating immediate action to streamline goods flow across EU-Western Balkans border crossings. Slow freight movement poses mounting obstacles for businesses, highlighting the pressing need for infrastructure improvements and enhanced coordination. Border crossing delays not only disrupt supply chains but also pose safety risks and undermine overall transportation efficiency. The effect of such a situation has significant negative knock-on effects not only for the trade between the Union and the Western Balkans, but also affecting the trade between EU Member States that cross the region in transit. The ongoing review of EU regulations regarding the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) beyond Union borders, and the recent adoption of goals outlined in the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Smart Mobility underscore the importance of increasing the share of rail transport and establishing multimodal, better road transport connection and railway corridors.
The AII Round Table, organised by the Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce, aims to address the concerns of the stakeholders in the Area, who are urging political decision-makers to take action in order to expedite and facilitate the movement of goods across the EU and the Western Balkans at the border crossings in the Adriatic-Ionian Region.